Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Butterfly moments

Hi everyone! It's sketch time over at The House That Stamps Built! Here's this month's sketch.

I kept this one pretty clean and simple.

Stamp is #8503-U Quartet moments.

I used Fresh Ink in Chamomile to stamp the squares and the butterfly. I did fussy cut out the little one and attached some wire for antenna that I cut out.

The satin ribbon is colored with a Copic marker that matched the ink color. 

So what are you waiting for?!

Why not play along with us and start stamping up a card now. We can’t wait to see your creations!
Don’t forget… Take part in one weekly challenge or all of them. The more you play along, the more chances you have to win! Each submission enters you in the drawing for our gift certificate. And you don’t always have to use our stamps in your creations, but we will reward you if you do. Each submission using a
Repeat Impressions stamp will earn you an additional entry in the drawing!

Also, check out our Rock Star blogs to see what they did with the challenge.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very nice and love the bright yellow you used. The wire antennas are perfect. Great sketch to work with.

  2. Very pretty! The yellow is so bright and cheery; perfect for the image and sentiment.

  3. Very pretty card! I love how bright and cheerful it is with the yellow and the butterflies. Great sentiment too.

  4. Laurie, I love this! I never ever think to create with yellow, and you do so many things with a pretty, soft palette! Beautiful card, my friend, and great take on the sketch!

  5. Such a pretty card here Laurie and loving the sunny yellow too. Not often I use yellow but it looks great here I must try it more often ;) Viv xx


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