Monday, November 7, 2016

3D stamping

Hi everyone. It's my turn to host the project of the week over at The house That Stamps Built. I really like the butterfly stamp #9001 over at Repeat Impressions and it works wonderful for 3D stamping.

I stamped it three times onto white cardstock and heat embossed it with clear embossing powder.

Next I colored it with Copic markers and then fussy cut them out. The wings are cut out separately from the body of the butterfly.

Using different sizes of tiny foam squares, stack the wings on top of each other, then add the body with a thicker size as seen in the photo below.

Once the stacks are completed, I stamped another onto the green cardstock, ran it through an embossing folder and then put it all together.

I added a few clear dew drops onto the dots that were embossed just to give this a bit more dimension.

3D stamping can be done with a lot of different stamps and can be a lot of fun. I hope this inspires you to give it a try.

 Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh I love this - and just happen to have some tiny foam dots in my "collection". This has such a wow factor especially with the dew drops. great tutorial.

  2. Absolutely stunning Laurie, thanks for a wonderful tutorial!


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