Friday, August 19, 2016

Just because

Hello. Here is my take on this weeks Freshly Made Sketch.

Flower stamp is the new Greenhouse Society stamp from Technique Tuesday. I also got the die that is sold separately so that I could cut it out.

I decided to color the mums in fall colors to be different. Used R36, R59, R89 and G21 and G24.

Designer paper is from the Gossamer paper pack from Memory Box that I've been hoarding.

Just because sentiment is from Clearly Besotted.

Thanks for stopping in and have a great weekend.


  1. Oh you hoarder you - I can see why - you waiting until the perfect image - great coloring and great job.

  2. It's perfect background paper - I'd probably hoard it too! It makes a great ground for those striking flowers. Very vibrant and lovely.

  3. What a fabulous card! I love your choice of image and colours. Thanks for joining us at FMS this week!


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