Friday, May 27, 2016


Hi everyone! I had to share this card I made for a co-worker who came out to Seattle to help me present a class. He's from So Cal and we had a great time working the class room together.

Stamps are from The Sweetstamp shop.  

I took some Butter dye ink from Lawn Fawn and using the round blending tool blended the ink in a circle. I did stamp the sentiment, cheese and grater first and heat set them before doing the ink blending.

Mounted this onto a black card base, added a white card insert to write on inside the card and called it good. You know guys, they like their cheesy cards clean and simple. 

That's all for today, for those in the USA, have a terrific Memorial Day weekend. I'm off to try and sell things from my Dad's estate so I can list the property for sale. Wish me luck!

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  1. Grate card Laurie, hope your sale is successful.

  2. FABULOUS sponging Laurie!! LOVE those 'cheesy' puns! ;) Have a lovely weekend! Hazel xx
    My Card Attic

  3. Love it!!! Yes men like the CAS - and this turned out so well.


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