Sunday, January 24, 2016


Hi everyone! For those of you affected by the blizzard, I hope that you are safe and snuggled up in your homes getting crafty. I had some time today and decided to play around with the new Technique Tuesday Greenhouse Society stamp.

I struggled finding the best purple combo for coloring this lovely stamp up. Ended up using the following Copic markers: B60, BV02, BV17, YG63 and YG67.

Once I got it colored and cut out (per sketch challenge below from the paper players) I then began to panic on finding matching cardstock to layer and designer paper to go with. I got super lucky and found both and this is now very monochromatic.

Cardstock was found in my Hot Off The Press stash of 6 x 6 papers. The designer paper is Kaisercraft. Sentiment is from Simon Says Stamps.

Added some clear dew drops to give this a bit more interest. I have no idea which company they came from, as they're in a clear zip lock baggy in my embellishment drawer.

Thanks for visiting!

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  1. Your coloring looks great, love the colors! Very pretty card!
    PS Thanks for the comment on my blog... and yes that stamp set is really fun! Just call me the enabler! (lol)

  2. Lovely card and such pretty colors!

  3. Beautiful coloring and design Laurie!

  4. This is lovely done in such a beautiful shade of purple! Pretty flowers! Thanks for joining us at the Players!

  5. Lovely card, Laurie....I love the colour.

  6. So very pretty, Laurie! It's nice to see some Wisteria Wonder...a pleasant spring creation! Thanks for sharing it this week at the Players with us!

  7. Beautiful flowers and love the sketch. You did great on matching up the CS and DPs.


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