Sunday, January 10, 2016

Anniversary flourish

Hi everyone! Here is my take on two challenges today. Less is More is only layer wee with a flourish and Just Us Girls, it's trend week and they want metals or metallics.

I have several flourish stamps, but couldn't decide which on to work with. My mojo was not in gear at first. I had a lot of cool ideas, I was just having a hard time executing those ideas.

Finally decided on a old retired Angel Company swirl stamp. Stamped it in Versamark and then used gold embossing powder and heat embossed.

Anniversary sentiment is from Papertrey, Ink.

I tried to get a good picture that showed off the gold embossing, but was only successful at showing off the top portion. Oh, well. In real life it's very pretty.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. You can see the lovely gold on your card Laurie. Beautiful cas and a perfect Anniversary Card. Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls this week.

  2. Very nice - love the "classic" TAC stamps.

  3. Fantastic clean and crisp embossing Laurie and a beautiful flourishing stamp. Perfect take on the challenge and thanks so much for playing along this week!
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  4. Just beautiful! Love the simplicity!

  5. Gorgeous classy card. Love that stamp! Elaine

  6. This is stunning and elegant! Love all of that gold embossing and I love your choice of flourishes. Thanks for playing with us at JUGS!

  7. Your Flourish is so pretty and your gold embossing photographed so well...which is hard to do! Great card! Glad you joined us over at Just Us Girls for Trend Week.

  8. Great stamp to use for your elegant CAS design.

  9. Fab stamping and embossing Laurie, this looks amazing.
    Thank you so much for your entry
    "Less is More"

  10. This is exquisite Laurie!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  11. A fabulous stamp and great for an anniversary in gold and white.
    Sorry I'm so late visiting!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More


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