Saturday, January 2, 2016

A note to say thanks

Hello! Got a bit of time today to put together this card for Less is More and Just us Girls.

Less is More color theme this week is to use Neutrals. I chose to use some rustic white cardstock and gray. Just us Girls word week is Thank you.

Thanks is cut out using the Thanks die from WPlus9. I cut it out again using gray cardstock and inlaid it into the card base. I even had to cut it again to get the little bits and pieces for in between the loopty loops.

Ranger distress ink in pumice stone is dabbed onto my craft sheet and then spritzed with water. I picked up a bit with a paint brush and splattered it over the card. Next I added some black that was spritzed with the spritzing tool. You might need to click on the picture to see this up close.

Hind sight is always 20/20 and if I did this again, I would stamp the sentiment after adding the splatters. A couple of those drops made the ink smear a bit in the sentiment. It's stamped in steel gray from MFT.

Lastly, I added some clear dew drops to act as water to finish this off. That's it for today. Thanks for stopping in.

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  1. Great card Laurie, got to get some dew drops, those make quite an impact! Happy New Year to you and Bob!

  2. This is my kind of card - splendid


  3. Great CAS and in neutrals, that would have been a challenge for me. Love the dew drops.

  4. Beautiful, crisp, clean and awesome Laurie
    Thanks for playing along in our new year challenge at Less is More. Sarah x

  5. Just gorgeous. Have a nice day, Ankie

  6. Less is more and your card is terrific! I want to learn to spatter like that when I grow up! I never get it right!
    Thanks for joining us this week at Just Us Girls!

  7. What a lovely CAS card! I really like the font on that thanks die. Might have to add that to my ever growing list of crafty things I want. LOL! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls!

  8. This is simply beautiful Laurie, the muted tones look lovely!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  9. Happy new year Laurie!
    What a super stylish card, the dew drops work really well
    Thank you so much for joining us
    "Less is More"

  10. Beautiful CAS card Laurie. I love the splatter you created!

  11. Love this, a simple idea with stunning results.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More


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