Monday, December 7, 2015


Hello all. In cleaning out my stamps I came across this little gem that I didn't know I had. Coincidentally, it works wonderful for the Addicted to CAS challenge of Joy this week.

I used Rustic white cardstock from PTI as the base of the card and the top layer.

The stamp is from Victorine Originals. I stamped it in Versamark ink and then heat set it with gold embossing powder. I also applied the gold embossing powder around the outside of the card base. I never have any luck using a ruler and the versamark pen to get an even border. What I did this time around is the direct to paper method with the pad and then added the powder. It's bigger than I need and wasted powder, but it at least I didn't get frustrated!

This stamp would be a good one to use to do some mass Christmas cards in a hurry. You can find the link to the stamp here.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Wow, Laurie! This is so gorgeous! I love the gold embossing, my elegant! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love the simple and elegant. I've never done embossing powder around the edge like you have done. Great job.

  3. Totally crisp, clean and classy
    Thanks for sharing and playing along in our challenge at ATCAS.
    Sarah x


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