Saturday, December 12, 2015


Hello! Yes, two posts in one day, but I had to get my entry in for this weeks sketch over at Freshly Made Sketches. 

I did turn the sketch on it's side and I also decided to something besides a Holiday card today. I don't know about you, but I'm about burned out them.

Stamp is from Great Impressions called Chickadee. I stamped it in Versafine, heat set with clear embossing powder then colored the little that there is with Copic's.

Designer paper is from one of those insta photo fun packs from DCWV.

I used the scalloped die and hole punch die from Blueprints #14 from MFT to add that element based on the sketch. I ended up cutting a bit off each side of the scalloped border piece to fit in. Green self adhesive pearls are from Queen & Co.

ETA: adding this into the Great Impressions blog challenge of anything goes. 

Thanks for stopping in!

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  1. Love the sweet bird, very pretty card!

  2. Darling card, it actually could be used as a holiday card!

  3. This is gorgeous, Laurie! Be sure to enter it in the Great Impressions challenge! Hugs...

  4. Sweet little chickadee! Cute card....glad you shared it at FMS!

  5. Beautiful card! Love that sweet little Chickadee! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  6. Very pretty - I love bird cards - they can be used for just about any occasion. Great job on the sketch.

  7. Laurie, this is GORGEOUS! I adore the fabulous clean layout, your beautiful coloring, and the lovely accents you used! Thanks for joining us at Great Impressions! Sending HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  8. Gorgeous card! Love the adorable bird and your design! Thank you for joining our December Anything Goes Challenge at Great Impressions.
    Wishing you a Prosperous & Happy New Year!
    Ruza ~ GI Designer
    Ruza's Craft Corner


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