Saturday, October 24, 2015


Hi everyone. It's sketch week over at Less is More and this is what I did with it.

Poinsettia die is from Poppy Stamps. I cut it out of red and green cardstock, then distressed them with Ranger distress inks in Festive Berries and Mowed Lawn.

The berry branch is also from Poppy stamps. I cut it out using basic white paper, colored it brown using a Copic marker. To add the red berries, I dusted off my perfect pearls. Once dry, I cut it up and stuck it behind the poinsettia.

Holidays sentiment is from Papertrey, Ink.

That's it for today. I've got to go clean up the mess I made while making this. Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. This is absolutely beautiful Laurie, what a super composition!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. LOVE that bright red Poinsettia Laurie and those berry sprigs behind! Great design! Hazel xx

  3. Fabulous poinsettia card, like how you distressed it.

  4. Beautiful poinsettia on your beautiful card!

  5. Gorgeous die cut Laurie, love those perfect pearl berries!
    Thank you for joining us
    "Less is More"

  6. Pretty pretty - I never think to distress the edges of images. And I can't image you "making a mess". LOL

  7. Simply BEAUTIFUL Laurie.
    What a stunner of a Christmas card, striking, elegant and perfect
    thanks so much for playing along this week!
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  8. So striking, I love the added dimension from the inks.
    Sorry for the late visit!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More


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