Sunday, August 16, 2015


Hi all! Here is my take on the word theme week over at Less is More. It's congratulations and I also took the opportunity to pair this up with the food or drink challenge over at Simon Says Stamp.

I started with the martini die from Taylored Expressions. I cut two of everything out, except for the teeny tiny olives. Glad they stuck to my C plate so I didn't lose them.

I used a C00 marker to add the dirty martini to the glasses, glued in the Olives and pick then covered it in Glossy Accents. Waiting for them to dry was worst of this card making process.

I expirimented with different colors of back ground papers and ended up using black because the glasses stood out better. I layered it with Olive to give it a punch of color.

Congratulations sentiment is from Papertrey, Ink.

Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. I love martinis the foo-foo kind and this card is a very nice congrats card.

  2. Ever so cute, Laurie! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Simply scrumptious Laurie. Great take on our congrats challenge and a stunning image and design. Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  4. What a fun take on our challenge Laurie - stylish card!
    Thanks for joining us this week
    Less is More

  5. I love it!!! So fun! Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  6. This is gorgeous... so effective, makes me feel quite thirsty!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More

  7. I love how classy this is and this classic layout never fails. Don't you just wish you could click your fingers and glossy accents would be dry straight away?!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More


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