Sunday, July 5, 2015


Hi everyone! I've been super busy with the day job and trying to stay cool in this 90 degree weather, that I haven't had a lot of time to create anything. I was bound and determined to do so today after I got some fans circling around in the craft room. I'm playing in the 300th challenge over at Just Us Girls and the word is "congratulations."

Stamps and dies are from Avery Elle. I stamped
them in pink lemonade and limeade from Fresh ink.

The stitched banner comes from My Favorite Things. Kept this one clean and simple, not to mention fast as it's just too hot up here to stay for very long. Upstairs that is. Wonder how much central air conditioning costs and if its worth the money for a few weeks out of the year?

Off to try and stay cool. thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Very pretty card, love the soft color you used for the flowers!

  2. Those day jobs are just a drag! I'm glad I'm retired, except that means I'm an oldie! Love your pretty congrats card, Laurie - thanks for sharing!

  3. Lovely soft coloured card. Thanks for sharing with us at Just Us Girls.

  4. Beautiful soft and cool...speaking of cool! Hope you weather starts to cool down for you up there! You sound like Florida! Thanks for joining the Just Us Girls team and I for our 300th Challenge!

  5. Love the beautiful simplicity! Thanks for joining in at JUGS 300!

  6. Don't know how I missed this one the CAS look here and love the stitched fishtail die you used. I guess it doesn't get HOT enough there to need central air except for a few days. My craft room is in our "finished" basement so it is usually cool down here.


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