Friday, May 22, 2015

masked tulips

Hi everyone! This month has been such a busy one! I've been tied up with trying to settle my Dad's estate (this will take a long time) and normal everyday work that I've not had a lot of time to get creative! Ack! I'll try to do better!

Here's a card I made a while ago that I never got around to posting.

This one will be going out to one of my co-workers who has a birthday coming up!

Stamps are from My Favorite Things and as it says in the title, I did some masking with this. Masking is so easy but not something I do a lot.

Tulips are colored with Copic's. Stitched fishtail banners are also from MFT.

We are heading out to do a bit of camping in the new RV this Memorial Day weekend. Need a bit of a mini-vacation to reset my mind and body! Hope your long weekend is wonderful and thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Very pretty, beautiful job with the masking and coloring your reds!

  2. I love tulips - especially red ones and this card is perfect. You have a difficult task facing you with settling an estate. Thinking about you.


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