Sunday, March 15, 2015

Doggone good day

Hey everyone! It's one layer time over at Less is More and the challenge this time around is to include an animal into the mix.

Stamps are from Close to my heart and I'm not even sure they are still available. I colored the dog using prismacolor pencils and blended it with Gamsol. I haven't played with this technique in many moons, so it was fun to get the pencils out and play a bit.

It's raining cats and dogs outside so it's a good day to stay indoors and stamp. But I also have a ton of chores to get done! Yuk! thanks for stopping by!

ETA: Adding this to AAA cards, Game #35 bare naked

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  1. He's a little cutie Laurie, super one layer card!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. Super cute - love little scotties, believe it or not we had a girls overnight crafting this weekend and we played with colored pencil and gamasol. Love your 1 layer creation.

  3. Cute Scottie Laurie. Nicely done. - Jim

  4. Oh goodness, how adorable! Love the CAS style for this pup!

  5. A fab card, lovely image and colouring


  6. Such a cute dog and I love the different and very appropriate sentiment :D x

  7. This is super cute Laurie. Loving the image and sentiment. Great CAS creation and perfect for the challenge. You might also like to link up at AAA Cards as we are looking for similar cards their too. Thanks for playing along at LIM. Sarah x

  8. A lovely CAS card - the wee dog is so cute.

  9. Great to see your cute little pooch at AAA cards too Laurie. Thanks so much.
    Sarah x

  10. This is so dang cute, Laurie!! You colored your Scottie brilliantly!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. WOW, amazingly cute, awesome CAS one layer!!!!! Thanks for joining us at AAA Cards CAS Challenges

  12. Great CAS card Laurie, love the sweet doggie too ;) Viv xx

  13. Laurie what a CAS cutie!
    Thanks so much for your entry
    Less is More

  14. Super cute CAS card, I have this stamp as well and never coloured it before. I might have to try him out! Thanks for playing at AAA Cards! Justine

  15. Such a cute dog! thanks for joining in at AAA--


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