Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hi everyone! Here is my take on this weeks Freshly Made Sketch. I kept it very clean and simple!

The reason why I named this post "Sparkle" is that this sparkles in real life. The grey weather outside did not let me take a very good picture of this card to do it justice.

I started with some shimmer cardstock from PTI and played around with a navy reinker from Fresh Ink and some rubbing alcohol.  The back ground is a little uneven and wavy in the depth of the colors, which was very hard to pick up in the photo.

Sentiment is from PTI and the snowflakes is from a very very old set from Provo Craft. I stamped both the snowflakes and sentiment in versamark and then heat embossed using white embossing powder. I did this prior to playing around with the reinker and alcohol. Layered this with deep navy cardstock from Bazzill and found a length of silver ribbon in my stash to tie at the top.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm not going to brave the crowds this Holiday weekend, instead I'm going to stay in and try to organize my supplies. I can't find the counters any more! =(

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  1. Great card, like your background and snowflakes!

  2. What a pretty card - love snowflakes - and the design is very nice.

  3. A beautiful card design and love the color combo!

  4. Your background looks so fabulous in the photo - I can only imagine how awesome this card looks IRL. Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  5. I love the texture that you created using your reinkers and the shimmer cardstock! Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.


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