Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thinking of you

Hi all! Back from my business trip and decided to get creative with a few challenges today.

I used this weeks Freshly Made Sketch as a starting point.

The recipe over at Less is More is to use newsprint, so I dug out some old SU designer paper and layered it with scarlet jewel to match the flower. Vintage cream cardstock from PTI used as the card base.

Flower and sentiment are old stamps from the former Angel Company. Flower is colored with Copic markers and the fussy cut out.

Some jute used to tie the bow on top of the newsprint for some added interest. Flower is popped up using foam tape.

That's it for this post. Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. Glad you are home! Lovely card, the flower is gorgeous and I love the background!

  2. Pretty card with the gorgeous red flower!

  3. I really like this card. Simple yet stylish!

  4. Lovely card, that flower looks so good against the newsprint. Karen x

  5. Gorgeous card, beautiful coloring.

  6. I love that beautiful red flower against the newsprint. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  7. A Beautiful and classy card Lauren ... it's always good to link up to more than one challenge eh!
    Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  8. This is gorgeous Laurie... the flower really pops against the newsprint backdrop!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  9. Laurie I thought you'd used a dried flower, your colouring is so realistic, it looks amazing against the newsprint!
    Super card.
    Thank you so much for joining us this week at Less is More
    LIM Designer

  10. A super card Laurie, love your flower !

  11. That flower is so striking and perfect against the newsprint! Glad you joined us this week at FMS!

  12. WOW - talk about eye catching - the red flower totally pops on that newsprint. Great job.


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