Saturday, September 27, 2014

Live well

Hi everyone! Here is my take on Less is More's recipe challenge of mostly words.

I came across this old set from Printworks that I've had forever in my stamps while looking for something else. I pulled it out intending to give it some love (out of sight, out of mind) again. I thought it would work beautifully for the mostly words challenge.

The heart is included in the set and I stamped it in wild cherry colorbox ink. The dots on top of the hearts are part of the stamp and were red, but decided to cover them with a black pearl to go with the dots in the sentiment.

Since there is a lot of white space on this, I decided to add a red outside layer so that it stood out a bit more. Pure poppy cardstock is from PTI.

That's it for today!

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  1. I love it! What a wonderful stamp set to find just in the nick of time :)

  2. Love the CAS! Nicely done, Laurie!!

  3. I love that sentiment Laurie and the combination of the little hearts is just the perfect detail.
    Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  4. You are my "hero" on the CAS - you just have an eye for the layout. What a fun stamp to find in your "stash". I have a friend that has laid out all of her haven't used yet stamps and using them. Think we might all need to do hat.

  5. Laurie what a stylish card, perfect for our challenge!
    Thanks so much for joining us at Less is More
    LIM Designer

  6. Love this card Laurie... CAS perfection!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  7. I love this, elegant, understated & perfectly CAS.


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