Monday, August 11, 2014

Cupcakes and wine

Hello! I hope this finds everyone doing well. I'm sweating it out in 94 degree heat (hotter in the upstairs studio) without air conditioning. Thank goodness its supposed to rain the next few days! We need it!

Here is my take on today's Mojo Monday Sketch.

Stamp is from Stamping Bella - Uptown Girls Felicity and Blair. They are colored with Copic's and I also added a bit of pink glitter to the frosting on the cupcakes.

Designer paper is from Reflections and Lasting Impressions. Decided to go with rick rack instead of scallops as the sketch called for.

Happy Birthday sentiment is from PTI and the fishtail banner die used to cut it out is from MFT. White rose is a dollar bin find at Michaels and the leaf is punched in green using the punch from Martha Stewart crafts.

That's all for today! Thanks for popping in!

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  1. Love this Laurie!! Great job on the coloring!

  2. Love your card, great coloring and shading!

  3. How cute - love wine and cupcakes - and just may have to try them together. Great job.

  4. Beautiful card, I will have to try cupcakes and wine!


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