Thursday, June 12, 2014

Masculine birthday

Hi everyone! I've been stewing around ideas for the Less is more color challenge and finally decided on this. We were supposed to use the colors that are in your bedroom.

Well, believe it or not my walls are a dark green! Well, at least the top half is, the bottom has maple wainscotting on it.  My bedroom is decorated in a cabin/lodge theme with Moose, bear, fish, etc. I have log furniture in it too.  Below is a small picture (and not a very good picture at that) of what it looks like.

Pine branch stamp is from Stampin Up. The happy birthday sentiment is from the Paper Studio. Tag is a die from PTI that you've already seen me use.

White scrappers floss is colored with a YG63 Copic marker. I ended up popping up the tag using foam tape at the last minute.  Scored the outside lines using the scoreboard from Martha Stewart.

So, as you can see by the picture I let my DH have his wishes when it came to the decor of my bedroom. Which I didn't mind since everything else in the house is MY way!  And yes, that is a faux bear rug on the bed. Un-Stuffed toy style.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. This is beautiful, I love that tag!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. Love it lots, Laurie! The green is perfect! Thanks for sharing a bit of your home, too! Looks wonderful :-) hugs...

  3. Wonderful card, Laurie, love the embossing lines, it's an elegant look!

  4. Thanks for letting us peek at your room, the colours are fab and your card is stunning. Perfectly CAS
    Thanks for taking part
    Less is More

  5. Very pretty Laurie! Your lodge themed bedroom looks very relaxing and comfortable.

  6. Great colour scheme and love the card and pretty tag too :) Viv xx

  7. Super CAS creation, love this!
    Thank for for joining us at Less is More this week
    LIM Designer


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