Tuesday, May 13, 2014

CAS just because

Hello everyone! Here is a very clean and simple card for you today that can be whipped up in no time!

and used for any occasion. The die is from Simon Says Stamps called tiny tags. I just cut them out of heavy white cardstock and stuck them onto a layer of kraft. I wrapped the twine around a couple of times before making the bow.

Sentiment is from Verve and heat embossed using white embossing powder.

I just love this die set and the stamps that coordinate with it. It's very versatile. 

Well I'm off to see the wizard - just joking. Off to work. Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Great card! Love the lacing between the tags.

  2. Wonderful clean and simple. Loving it.

  3. What fun - CAS at it's absolute best, Laurie! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Hmmm, very pretty, might have to CAS it!

  5. Very nice - love the simplicity of the card. You do an amazing job on the CAS.

  6. What a clever way to use the tag die! Super cute card, love it!

  7. Beautifully CAS . . . I came for a peek and have stayed awhile admiring your lovely designs.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx


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