Friday, April 18, 2014

FMS132 - Fly away with me

Hi everyone! Here is my take on this weeks Freshly Made Sketch. I also combined this with Simon Says Stamps Wednesday challenge and this week it's Animal Antics.

Butterfly is a die from Memory Box and it's cut out using black and aqua mist cardstock. I ended up using a tiny strip of foam tape to pop it up on the card so it looks like it's in flight.

Sentiment is from PTI and the designer paper is from Bazzill's 6 x 6 patina patterned paper pack.

I have a three day weekend and I think I need to spend sometime cleaning and organizing the office/craft room. I have stuff every where!

Have a Happy Easter and thanks for stopping in!

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  1. Adorable, I like the colors and esp. how you positioned the paper, flush with the bottom versus centered, nice change from everyone's usual. I have a three day w/e too, catching up on visiting blogs and next crafting! Maybe a bit of housework too.

  2. This is so soft and simply beautiful, Laurie!

  3. Love your butterfly against the patterned background! Thanks for joining us at FMS!

  4. A beautiful monochromatic design, Laurie - love that butterfly against the pretty flowered paper! Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!

  5. This is beautiful, Laurie! I love the butterfly, what pretty colors and paper.

  6. Very pretty card, Laurie! Love that butterfly and the paper!

  7. Lovely card - the butterfly looks great against the aqua. Very elegant!

  8. Beautiful card Laurie! I love that butterfly! Looks fabulous outlined in black! Such a pretty spring card! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  9. Just beautiful! I wish I could find some of those papers...gorgeous hue!

  10. I love this aqua/minty monochrome card, Laurie! So deserving of the shoutout from FMS!! Hugs, Darnell


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