Friday, January 10, 2014

Yellow daisies

Hello all! Here's my take on this weeks Freshly Made Sketch!

I kept this very clean and simple with a lot of white space on the card.

The daisies are cut several times from the fresh daisy die from Simon Says Stamp. I layered two sets of the yellow part of the daisy to get some dimension. To get them to stick, I used Frances Meyer dry bond which is no longer available. Big bummer, since it works like a charm.

Sentiment is from the fillable frame #4 stamp set from PTI. Yellow gingham designer paper is from A*Muse.

I'm also adding this into the Friday Mash up Challenge where the challenge is to create a Birthday themed project and Mash it up with some Twine.

Thanks for stopping in and have a great weekend! Go Seahawks!

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  1. LOVE the dimension on the daisies!! Very pretty card, like the simplicity of the sketch - so many possibilities!

  2. Absolutely delightful card! Love daisies, going to check out the die!

  3. Those flowers are awesome! Layering gives them such depth! And I love that gingham paper along with the rustic twine. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  4. Absolutely LOVE this! Awesome flowers. Love all the yellow and the placement of the twine.

  5. How pretty are these flowers? Such a pretty and bright card! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  6. This is AWESOME! Love the colors Laurie :)

  7. I love your card. It is simple but it makes a statement! The colours are perfect together!

    Thank you for joining us at The Friday Mashup!


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