Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hello! Here's a quick card that I put together for a friends birthday that I inadvertently missed.

Stamps are from There She Goes, which is now closed. The frog is colored using Copic markers.

I really like the half rounded banner dies from My Favorite Things but don't use them a lot for some reason. I was bound and determined to use it on this card.

The lime green polka dot designer paper is from Lasting Impressions. I colored the white satin ribbon yellow with a Copic marker to match the scalloped yellow cardstock in the back and to hide the seam.

Instead of adding a sentiment panel, I decided to stamp right on the designer paper. This kept it cleaner and you really notice the polka dots now.

ETA: Added this into the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge: Let's have a laugh

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Cute card, clever play on words!

  2. Super cute, Laurie! The frog's adorable and must be forgiven. LOL Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Let's Have a Laugh!


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