Saturday, November 23, 2013

Malamute sleigh

Hey everyone! Saw this challenge over at Addicted to CAS and just had to play along!!!

Yep, had to make something to play along since I'm a pet lover.

This stamp is from Whipper Snapper and when I saw it recently I just had to have it! The dog looks just like my Malamute, Noah! Big goofy self that he is!

Colored with Copic's and also added a bit of distress glitter to the white on the hats. Snowflake embossing folder used for the back ground. Both layers are popped up with foam tape.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Your card is adorable Laurie! Love the super cute Malamute pulling the sleigh!

  2. Super cute, Laurie! Your Noah isn't goofy...he's so beautiful! Thanks for sharing this adorable card!

  3. What a sweet group of friends! You've colored this so beautifully, Laurie! So glad you shared it at ATCAS!

  4. All 3 are so CUTE!! Love this fun card~ Thanks for joining in with ATCAS!

  5. Love it and what a great card to "showcase" Noah - I know you love your 'Pups".

  6. Laurie, your card is adorable. Beautifully colored image and I love that you used the embossed snowflakes for the base layer. So glad you shared it ATCAS.

  7. Awe this is so sweet. I love the image you chose and your coloring is lovely. I love the embossed snowflake background. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS. :)

  8. Oh, good gosh, Laurie, how lucky are you to have a dog like THAT?!! I'm so jealous! Your card is adorabeautiful!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!Hugs, Darnell


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