Friday, October 25, 2013

Keep calm

Hi everyone! Had a little bit of time to throw this card together using this weeks Mojo Monday sketch.

Stamp is from Technique Tuesday.

Designer paper is from K&Company and the blue and white cardstock is from PTI. The ribbon and bow were colored using a Copic marker that matched the dp. Bow Easy used to tie that sweet little bow!

Dies from Spellbinders nesties (round and square) and pennants are cut from the fishtail die from My Favorite Things.

Thanks for stopping in!

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  1. How cute is this! Haven't seen the 'merry' version. Great card, Laurie! Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Love your beautiful Christmas card! The red really makes it pop!

  3. Such a beautiful card! It has been a long time since I visited your site, but I can see your work is as amazing as always.


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