Saturday, February 23, 2013

Under the weather?

Hi everyone! The last two days the weather here in Washington State has been kind of blustery. Usually, we just get gray skies and a drizzle. Yesterday is was very windy and heavy rain. Ugly! So, with that in mind I thought I'd share this get well card.

The rain is a new stamp from Penny Black. The sentiment is from PTI. I cut a bunch of clouds using the two sizes of cloud dies from PTI out of gray cardstock. I used foam tape and popped a few of them up to give it a 3D effect.

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Wow, Laurie - those gray clouds make that rain look like a real storm! Great card! Thanks for sharing :) We had sleet, then snow, then freezing rain, then more sleet! Yukko! Have a good weekend...

  2. Fantastic! Love it, might have to CAS this beauty!

  3. Love your gray clouds - well don't really like gray clouds but this is what our weather has been like for several days now. Ugh. Love how you popped up some of your clouds.

  4. What a cute card-it lifts the spirits! Barb


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