Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mojo Monday sketch x2

Hi everyone! I'm not a person who goes out and does the Black Friday shopping madness. I don't have the patience! So, I bought a few things off of the internet while in my jammies and a cup full of coffee by my side. I also got a chance to play with #268 Mojo Monday sketch! I actually have two versions to show you.

 The first one is not as embellished as the one below.

I'm thinking I like the embellished version better, but what do you think?

Designer paper is from K&Company and the lime green and blue cardstock is from HOTP. I used a b it of navy ink and a sponge dauber to add a little distressing around the striped dp. The star is cut out using the verve die and then glittered up. Once it dried I used some foam tape to pop it onto the end of the sentiment banner.

The stars are metal with double back foam tape attached and come from Momenta that I picked up at Michael's. I actually bought it because of the snowflakes in the package, not the stars.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love this layout - great job and I really like the second one best - just because I like a little more embellishments. Great job.

  2. Wow, looks like a tough sketch, but you nailed it! I like them both, but have to say the embellishments make me smile! Great job, Laurie, thanks for sharing :)

  3. I can't seem to resist embellishments! Both cards are great though!


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