Thursday, June 14, 2012


Hi there! I hope this finds you doing well. My day job has me running around in circles and it'll be that way for the next month and a half. August cannot come too soon for me!

Here's a card I did that I'm not too fond of - it's kind of Blah! But, I figured I post it and let you all tell me what it needs. Don't be shy....

All the stamps are from Verve. Flowers are colored with Copic's and the bright yellow buttons are from Oriental Trading company that I got years ago in a kit.  I colored the satin ribbon with the same pink Copic as the flowers.

The boarder die is from Memory Box. Cardstock is from Bazzill and HOTP. The flowers are popped up in different levels using foam tape. It's kid of hard to see in the picture, though. 

So, what does this need? Change the buttons out to white? I think the in your face yellow is what I don't particularly like.


  1. I like the design of your card and that border die is sweet! Love it.
    I don't think the yellow is that "in your face" I think you are too hard on yourself! I'm trying to think if I have a flower in my yard that is pink with a yellow center. If I do I'll take a pic of it and post it! ;-) Hope your day goes well.

  2. I think your card is very pretty. About the only thing I can think to add with be some faux stitching around the edge.

  3. Doesn't need a thing, CAS and elegant like it is, look at it a few days and I think you will happy!

  4. I like it - could be used for a variety of occasions, and the yellow is perfect.


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