Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Heard you caught a bug

Hello! Another snow day here in Washington state. Thank goodness I didn't have to go out in it! I started playing around with the Mojo Monday sketch late last night and just now finished taking pictures. Darn battery in the camera went dead! Looks like I need to purchase a back up!

All stamps are from Victorine Originals. Frog is colored with Copic's in G21, 24 and 28. I added a bit of glossy accents to his eyes so that they would bug out (no pun intended) and stickles to the wings of the fly so that they would stand out.

Designer paper is from Basic Grey, Wisteria paper pack. Black and spring green grosgrain ribbon are from RABOM.

We are suppose to get hit with another storm sometime in the wee hours tomorrow! It's predicted that it will drop about of foot of snow! I learned a valuable lesson with this - about a week prior when we had the heavy monsoon type rain all week, I was complaining pretty hard. We rarely get torential down pours, it's just a misty rain. I think Mother Nature is paying us back for my complaining! I'd take rain over this snow any day!

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. Super card Laurie! Love the frog and the DP is perfect for him.

  2. Very cute, Laurie! Lots of those 'bugs' going around this time of year - hope we neither one catch any! Great choice of DP for your image! Thanks for sharing :)


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