Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi everyone. I had some spare time yesterday and got to play around and do some coloring on a few Christmas cards. Here's one that I used for the inspiration challenge over at SCS.

The challenge was to be inspired by a Chris Radko Christmas ornament and create a card around it.

I bought this stamp from Make it Crafty last year and every time I look at him I just smile. Here are all the colors of Copic markers that I used to color him up.

Once done coloring, I used the label 17 die from Spellbinders to cut it out and to create the black layer behind, which is hand cut.

Black satin ribbon used to create the double bow with an assist from the Bow Easy. Pure Poppy, black and white cardstock are all from Papertrey, Ink.

Thanks for stopping in.


  1. Ho ho ho! How much fun! Love your card, Laurie - thanks for sharing!

  2. Too cute Laurie! Love the quarkie image!

  3. hee hee! adorable! great coloring!


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