Thursday, December 22, 2011

Birthday Wishes - Mojo 220

Hi everyone. Here's a Birthday card I made using Mojo Monday's sketch #220. I went for bright and cheerful!

Flower stamp is from Papertrey, Ink Friendship til the end and colored in Copic markers in the following colors: R83, R85, R89 and YR04 and YR07.

Sentiment stamp is from the Verve set Wordy Birds.

I used the lattice embossing folder on the lime green cardstock, both the pink and green cardstock is from Hot Off The Press. It's out of their 8x8 Retro cardstock collection. Black grosgrain ribbon used, which I had to search for in my stash. Seems that I need to get some more 1/4 inch. White and black cardstock is from PTI.

Thanks for stopping in!


  1. Love this cards, the flowers are eye popping and well done

  2. Awesome card Laurie. Great colors! Wishing you and yours' a very Merry Christmas!

  3. So cute card. Love the colors.
    Hugs, Myrna


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