Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thinking of you

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been missing in action the last couple of days. The day job has kept me extremely busy with no end until next Wednesday! Yuk! I'm so tired and my body is telling me that too!

Ok, enough complaining....Here's a card I recently made for Verve's challenge over at SCS.

Stamps are from Verve and done by coloring directing on the stamp using Tombow markers then misting with water and stamping onto a piece of cardstock. It took me a couple of tries to get this one exactly how I wanted it. Added some yellow liquid pearls onto the flower centers.

Pink designer paper is from Lasting Impressions and the other dp is from my stash which I believe comes from My Minds Eye, but not certain. Kraft cardstock is cut with the Plaque Alterations die.

I did cut the doily in half and then overlap it to get it to fit within the body of the card. Lastly, used the boweasy to tie the bow from the white satin ribbon.

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Very pretty! Love the color combo.

  2. gorgeous! love the lay-out! good luck getting through all the work challenges!

  3. So preaty card!
    Lovely pink
    Hugs, Myrna


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