Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hello! I got another chance to play around with the latest Viva La Verve Challenge and this is the card I came up with based upon the sketch.

Stamps are from Verve called Winter Mittens. I colored them with Copic's and then used Palette fresh snow ink to stamp the hearts in the center. The sentiment is stamped in A*Muse Studio Navy ink. Nesties used to cut the tag and the circles.

Designer paper is from K&Company and layered with blueberryb sky cardstock from PTI. A white satin ribbon is added and tied into a bow using the bow easy. I used the scrappers floss to tie on the tag and then twisted the excess around a paper piercer.

Thanks for stopping and and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Family and Friends.


  1. Sweet card Laurie, love the shaded hearts on the mittens, very clever!

  2. Adorable card, like the colors and layout.

  3. Laurie--this is such a cute card!!! TFS


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