Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hey everyone. This is another new image that I got from TAC. Loving the sentiment on this collage!

I decided to dust off my chalks to color this collage in. It came out pretty muted and I think I'll do it different next time around. It's a bit brighter in real life and didn't photograph real well.

A wood back ground stamp is used on the brown along with some versamark and some clear embossing powder.

Finally twine is tied around it a few times for some detailed interest. Blue and kraft cardstock is from PTI.

Thanks for stopping by. On vacation this week and busy getting creative before I HAVE to clean out the closet and organize the studio. Nothing planned until the weekend! Yea - time to relax!


  1. This is just gorgeous! Love your coloring. This stamp is definitely on my wish list...

  2. Beautiful card Laurie. Love the embossed strip, perfect for the image.

  3. Beautiful card - beautiful scene. I could handle being there (in that scene) right now!


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