Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hey everyone! I completed this card a while ago, but I'm not feeling it and was very reluctant to post.

Fairy is a digi stamp from The Digi Design House and is colored with Copic's, stardust pen and some stickles.

Designer paper is from Hot Off The Press and layered with black cardstock. I think I even colored the satin ribbon with Copic's. It's been that long since I completed this that I can't remember! LOL. Paper pierced the corners for some interested because I think the card is pretty blah, even though the designer paper has a bit of texture to it.

What do you think is needed here? New sketch/layout? More bling? Like I said, I'm not feeling it! Thanks for stopping in!


  1. Beautiful card and image. Love your coloring.

  2. I think your card is beautiful! I love it just the way it is, but maybe the white corners scare you??? How about maybe some dotted swiss embossing on the corners only? I think its gorgeous! Hugs...

  3. I still think it's pretty cute!

  4. Laurie,

    Beautiful clean and simple card. You could always add a few rhinestones if you thought it really needed something.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!