Friday, March 25, 2011

PTI March Blog Hop

Hello everyone! It's time for the monthly Blog Hop over at Capture the Moment.

"For the March Blog Hop we are challenging you to use embroidery floss in a fun and inventive way on your project. We look forward to seeing your creations!"

Here is my creation.

I used black DMC thread to stitch around the die cut and for the center of the flower. Yellow thread was used to produce the little flower stitches in the corners.

The flower background is stamped in yellow chalk ink from Studio G. Ribbon dots are colored in using a Copic Marker. The yellow cardstock is from American Crafts, and I did distress the edges of the flower a bit using Ranger Distress ink in scattered straw.

All dies used are from PTI. Stamps are from the sets: Green Thumb and Faux Ribbon.

So, what do you think? Did I use embroidery floss in a fun and inventive way? Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very pretty, Laurie! The yellow is so sunny and bright - great choice of colors, as we are all eager for spring! Thanks for sharing!!! (Blog candy at 'my place' - be sure to check it out!!!)

  2. You did -- with a very sweet, creative outcome -- LOVE it!!!

  3. Wow...lots of work with all that it...sets off your card so nicely...pretty flower, too!

  4. Love your stitching around the frame! Great idea! Yes, you nailed the challenge!

  5. I like the floss around the die!!!

  6. Beautiful card Laurie, I love the stitching, so dramatic. Great new profile picture, that Noah's a cutie.

  7. Cute card! Great job with the embroidery around the frame. Love the background.

  8. Love the way you added stitching to the border, looks so pretty!

  9. You certainly were creative and inventive! I love the blanket stitch and your use of the 2 different mats.

  10. So cute! Love the stitching around the frame!

  11. Fabulous colors on this awesome card!

  12. This is super cute! I love the frame and how you stitched the border! The little flowers you stitched are the perfect accent too! Super cute!

  13. I love the stitching around your frame- beautiful use of the floss!

  14. I love all of the details in this. Nice card!

  15. The blanket stitch works so well on the layer, great job!

  16. i love your blanket stitch, well done! It works so well on the layer~

  17. Very pretty card. Like the outline around the sentiment with your stitching.

  18. Nice job edging the frame with the blanket stitch. B&W with a pop of color always looks so fresh; great use of it on your card.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!