Sunday, February 27, 2011

Canvas flowers

Hi everyone. I hope this finds you doing well. I had time to complete the Wednesday SCS sketch challenge this week and here' s the card.

The flowers and the strip in back are of a ivory canvas material that came in a 12x12 sheet that I bought at a LSS. I colored it pink using the pink sparkle Smooch spray.

Buttons are cut out using the new button die from Papertrey Ink and their yellow felt and tied on with scrappers floss. As a matter of fact all dies are from PTI - square, flower, and button. The leaf punch is from Martha Stewart crafts.

The pink gingham designer paper is from A Muse. This ended up being a quick simple card that's really springy! I needed something as I'm really tired of the cold and snow we have been getting lately. Thanks for stopping by and I'd love to hear what you think of this card.


  1. Such a cute card ... Love all of the details!

  2. Sweet! Totally reminded me of the strawberry season, for some reason!

  3. Great card. I love the checked background, perfect for the sweet flowers.

  4. Laurie, this is cute as can be!!!

  5. Beautiful card Laurie! Great design ~jeni :)


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