Monday, January 3, 2011


Hello all and Happy New Year!

Here's a card I did for the Viva la Verve January sketch challenge week #1 over on SCS.

Stamps are from Verve and the butterfly is colored with Copic's. Striped designer paper is from Making Memories, Sydney 8x8 pad, which I think is no longer available - sniff! The yellow cardstock was embossed using the swiss dots embossing folder (on the left) and the other one was done with the linen texture plate from Papertrey ink. You can't see it the picture, but in real life it gave it a subtle texture that's really cool looking.

I layered all the yellows against a black back ground which went with the butterfly. The butterfly was cut out and popped up on the card using foam tape. Black grosgrain ribbon is added behind the sentiment and lastly three black rhinestones on the second panel complete the card. This is a legal sized card, by the way.

I hope everyone is staying on track with their New Years Resolutions so far...mine, well I haven't even started yet! But will triumph in the end! I just have to get rid of all this clutter! =)


  1. Lovely card and sentiment. I especially like the yellow.

  2. Gorgeous! LOVE yellows! I should use them more often.

  3. Laurie, this is stunning! I haven't made a long card like this in a while. I loooooove it! ~jeni :)

  4. Such a wonderful card!! Really like the design of it! Thank you for playing along with my flutter by challenge.

    P.S. I'll be moving to the Fort Lewis area!! Would love to get together sometime!

  5. Very pretty, Laurie! Your butterfly is so vibrant against all those yellow panels. :) Thanks for stamping with us at Flutterby Wednesday! :)

  6. very nice card, love your style!
    Thanks for joining us at Flutter By Wednesday

  7. Really nice, clean and simple - very elegant.

  8. Beautiful card, love the colors you used! Thanks for playing along with Flutter By Wednesday!


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