Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Good morning! It was rather windy here last night (45 mph wind gusts) that had the power out several times and prevented me from posting this last night.

Here's a quick card made with the Peony stamp set from The Angel Company.

The peony is colored with Copics, however I'm not all that excited about my coloring job on this one - it just blah to me. I think it needs to come shading, what do you think?

Designer paper is from the Gossamer line from Memory Box. Pink and green Bazzill cardstock was used to layer. Scallops done with the Quickutz cookie cutter dies.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Pretty card, Laurie!

    We used to have peonies in the yard (back home). Pretty flowers, but dang, they attract ants!

  2. Gorgeous!! Beautiful coloring Laurie ~jeni :)

  3. I need to order this set..so pretty!!I think your coloring is pretty!Very nice card!

  4. I love that image and your coloring is great!

  5. Beautiful card Laurie, I think your coloring is perfect.

  6. Very pretty and elegant! Your coloring is just fine on this!!


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