Friday, November 26, 2010

Butterfly thank you!

Here's my creation for the Wednesday Flutter by challenge, which you can find here!

This retired stamp is from The Angel Company's 2003/2004 catty and is called Buggy Postage. I did alter the stamp a bit and took out the "joy" that was just above the wings. Sentiment is from PTI.

Designer paper is from the scrap booking section (long gone, I think) from Current Magazine. I distressed the edge of the blue dp with a pair of scissors. Black cardstock used as the card base and layers.

Colored with Copic markers in the following: YR02,YR04,YR07, G21,G24,B0000,B00, B02,C00, and C1. I decided to use the SCS sketch from this past week as a starting point. I did twist it up a bit and made it a A2 card instead of a square card.

Have a great weekend!


  1. How pretty! I really like the distressed edges, very nice! Thanks for playing along with my flutter by challenge!

  2. So pretty, Laurie!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. great card .. love the colors and your coloring!

  4. Beautiful Laurie. Love the yellow emphasis.

  5. Laurie, I think this card is just stunning and eye-catching. The colors and design are simply wonderful! Blessings

  6. Beautiful card Laurie! Love the distressed edges. Such a pretty image. ~jeni :)

  7. Gorgeous colors and image!! I love it...too bad it's retired! Thanks for fluttering with us this week at Flutter By Wednesday!


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