Saturday, November 20, 2010

Butterfly in flight

Hey everyone! Here's a card I completed (late, but it's done) for the Flutter by Wednesday challenge. This one was a sketch challenge, which was fun to work with!

The butterfly stamp is from Magenta and colored with Prismacolor pencils and blended with OMS. I cut it out and popped it up using some small squares of foam tape. The wings are slightly bent to look like it's in flight. I doubt you can tell in the photo, but it looks great IRL.

That yummy designer paper is from Washi Accents that I bought in a big sheet at a stamp show this past year. It's double sided and worked really well for this card....I've been hoarding it forever!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is so pretty! Love the subtle background letting the butterfly take center stage! Fabulous job! Thanks for playing along with my flutter by challenge!

  2. Beautiful card, love the soft colors.

  3. Beautiful card Laurie!!! And it's not late at all! Thanks for joining us at Flutter By Wednesday challenge! Please come back and play again soon!!!


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