Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beary Blue

Hello everyone! We are having such wonderful weather here in Seattle. I can't believe it was 73 degrees today and we set two records this week. Monday we had record breaking rain amounts and today was the warm temps. Go figure!

So with that in mind, how about a winter card?

This cute little guy is from TAC's fall supplement called Cuddly Christmas. I gotta say that this set has some great images and sentiments - one of my favorite new Holiday sets!!!

The bear is colored with Copic markers in shades of blue, except for his boots which were done in grays (duh). The dots on his scarf are liquid pearls in White Opal. Love how this looks!

Designer paper is from my Christmas stash (the strip on top of the blue scallops) and I have no idea who it's from. Scallops were cut with the Quikutz cookie cutter die.

The white is embossed with the 5x7 polka dot embossing folder from Provo Craft. Tied on some skinny satin ribbon, did a double bow and called it good. What do you think?

Have a great week!


  1. I love love love this little critter - I am headed to a friends today for an overnighter of stamping and that set is packed and ready to go. What a great job you did with him.

  2. What a cutie patootie Laurie! ~jeni :)

  3. I think it is absolutely adorable! Love the effect of snowballs behind the him and the boots crack me up!

  4. Just adorable! Love the textured background! And love the pearls on the scarf!

  5. Hi Laurie,
    I have followed your blog for some time and I really enjoy visiting. With this in mind, I would love to list your blog as "Blogs I follow". Is that is okay with you? I am an Angel in Chehalis, Wa. about 30 miles from you. One of these days we should meet. I am fairly new to TAC. May 2010. Absolutely love it! Hope to talk soon, Candice #4740

  6. this is soooo cute! I love him in white ... I have been coloring him brown.

  7. This is really cute.. Love your blues. Thanks for joining us at Flourishes.. We have a new release party on Splitcoaststampers on Thursday night.. Come join in the fun..

  8. He's so cute, and I really love those pearly dots on his scarf! Thanks for entering Flourishes challenge! Good luck to you!


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