Friday, August 6, 2010

Another new image peak

Hi everyone!

Here's another new image from Brian Lock that will be available tomorrow afternoon at The Digi Shack!

Moose is colored with Copic Markers and the mousse is liquid applique. The designer paper in the background is from the DCWV linen closet stack.

Nestability labels used to cut out the image and layer it with brown. Bad hair day is done with Karen Foster snap stamps. Grosgrain ribbon is tied to the side and the bow easy used to tie the bow.

Isn't he cute? Pretty quick and simple card - what do you think?

Don't forget to join us at SNR tomorrow for our newest Digi releases from TDS!


  1. that moose with the mousse!

  2. Love this - the bad hair day is too cute.

  3. Never thought of it as hair mousse- love how you used the Liquid applique- very clever!

  4. Hair moose... LOL... I LOVE it! Love the LA-as-mouse... perfect!


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