Tuesday, July 20, 2010

TDS Wednesday Sketch Challenge

Hey everyone! Happy Hump day! Here is this weeks sketch over at The Digi Shack.

Here's my take on it.

Image is from artist Brian Lock and can be found over at The Digi Shack. I did add a bit of grass to the bottom with a stubby stamp from Stamps by Judith. I'm not sure I like how it turned out though.

Cow and friends are colored with Prismacolor pencils and blended with OMS. I think he's just the cutest image! Sentiment is from Papertrey Ink as is the black and white polka dot designer paper.

The photo of this card is not a good one - way too dark and I couldn't lighten it up any more with PSE without totally washing it out.

I found those darling mini buttons at Wal-Mart in the sewing section and fell in love with them. They're just the right size to use like a brad or flower center. Way cheaper than normal scrapbooking buttons too!

Thanks for stopping by and have a creative week!


  1. Laurie your cards are always so cute! I was just looking at some black and white polka dot fabric this morning thinking it would be cute on a card since I only have a small piece of it left. I haven't done OMS in a while. I may have to break out the pencils.

  2. Teehee! That is too cute! Perfect with the polka dot paper!


  3. Those papers are the bomb. I love it!

  4. Too cute!! Love the black and white!!

  5. I think it turned out great! I love the added grass and I dig it all in black & white!

  6. Great job with the sketch. Oh, I really like how you used the cow and the colors. Black with white dots may be one of my favorite looks!

  7. Your card is just too cute! Love the black/white colors and a great sketch!

  8. I love the monochromatic look.


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