Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hey everyone! Here's another from my stash. A clean and simple one, done in no time!

Stamps are from Papertrey Ink and stamped in Palette Starry Night and Fresh snow. Kraft card stock and enchanted evening cardstock is also from PTI.

Saw a Moose tonight. She was on the exit curve so I couldn't stop to get a picture! She was so darn close to the road too! On Glenn Highway going towards Palmer, AK it shows how many Moose were killed during the winter months. It's a whopping 225!!! Ouch! We need to slow down and watch for wildlife in order to preserve it and ourselves!

Spending a lot of my time trying to get the new DQ opened by next Wednesday. Lots of cleaning, unpacking equipment and training to do. I wish I had time to get out and see the sites, but the day job has to come first!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am JEALOUS that you saw a moose. I never never seen one live!

  2. This is so pretty! Love the colors and the clean and simple style!!

  3. Very nice, Laurie!

    Hope you're not working too hard. You need to get back here so you can play with all the new digis. Heehee!

  4. Laurie, I love your clean and simple cards. The all look so elegant even if there is not a lot to them. And I love Alaska and hearing about your ventures make me want to go back. At least there is still a lot of daylight still after your workday ends. Enjoy your time.

  5. There you go -- clean, simple, and perfect! I love your style!

  6. Have fun in Alaska! I love your card! Soooo pretty!! CAS cards are my favorite!


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