Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little Things

Hey everyone!

I just got some new stamps delivered last night from The Angel Company and here is one of my favorites called Life so Big!

This was completed for SCS weekly sketch challenge.

I dusted off my chalks to color in the butterflies. The one on the top is stamped twice, cut out and popped up with foam tape. I also spritzed it with frost shimmers mist to give it some sparkle. It looks really pretty in real life.

The designer paper is from Current (they carry scrapbooking stuff) but this specific paper is no longer available. I had to add some purple chalks to the skyline on the bigger butterfly panel to match the dp. Everything is layered with black cardstock. The black self adhesive pearls are from Kaisercraft and added to finish off the card or if you prefer, to anchor everything down. ;-)
So, what do you think?

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Beautiful! So serene! Love the layout!

  2. Laurie, so pretty! Love the sketch you used too!

  3. How pretty - perfect images for this sketch. love the colors. Fingers crossed that my sets will be here tomorrow XXXX

  4. gorgeous ... love your layout!

  5. Very pretty! I love how the blue paper looks like sky

  6. I love the softness of this card! You did a wonderful job and chose great colors to make the card.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!