Sunday, March 28, 2010

Green simplicity

Hello! Here I am playing around in the craft room on a very rainy Sunday! Well, I'm actually multi-tasking with doing laundry too! Thank goodness the laundry room is right next door to the craft room!

Anyway - here is my latest kraft and green PTI creation.

I colored the vase with Copic markers, which comes out darker than you would think, or not, depending upon your expectations! (grin)

I just got my latest shipment in and had to play around with the fresh snow hybrid pigment ink that Palette is making for PTI! I absolutely love it! Best white ink ever!!!!

The flowers are stamped in white and then I took the apricot Copic marker and colored in the flowers. It's very subtle but looks great in real life!

All green cardstock is from Bazzill - the crimper got dusted off and put to work on the strip behind the main panel. Raffia is tied a couple of times around it before adhering it to the base.

I've been pretty busy in the craft room this weekend. TAC is having a inspiration catty card call and I whipped up some samples for that. And on Wednesday, we have a sketch challenge coming up at the Digi Shack! I still have a design call for holiday cards to do for Victorine Originals, once I get the supplies. But, I think I'm actually ahead for once! Yea!

Hope you had a great weekend! Back to the grind stone - ugh!


  1. So pretty Laurie! I love that green! You are making me want this set! :)

  2. This is fabulous! I LOVE this set and have a card going up with it on my blog tomorrow! You did a great job!!

  3. Simply beautiful!

    Good heavens, I just saw which pic automatically came up with my blog update on your sidebar. Gonna have to be a little more careful next time with the pics I upload! HA HA.

  4. Love the background of your blog need to get you to help me with mine, hint! The card is awesome, love everything about it especially the green!!!


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