Monday, December 7, 2009

March of the Snowmen Blog Candy Winner!

Hi everyone! After printing up and cutting out 64 comments on my snowmen cards from the blog hop, we have a winner!

Congratulations to Natalie Houston! Here is what the mystery blog Candy looks like! A note worthy embellishment jar from Making Memories(Audrey collection - buttons and flowers), three stamp sets from The Angel Company and......

I did include some "real" candy in the mix too! Congratulations, Natalie! And - thanks to all of you out there for leaving me some very nice comments.

By the way, the question of which snowman card was your favorite - well it turned out that quite a few of you preferred the very last one pictured. From the comments left, it's because the card and snowman were non-traditional colors!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Laurie!! I received my package today and I love it!! Thank you so much for the chocolate (yummy!!) too!! That was so sweet of you! I enjoyed the blog hop, it was so much fun to see all the darling snowmen and you ladies certainly supplied a lot of inspiration!


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!