Monday, November 9, 2009

Card Sketch Tuesday #154

Happy Tuesday all! Here's sketch #154, measuring the nomral A2 size.

Here is my example.

The circle (Nestie) is 2 5/8 and then layered with another one at 2 3/4. The blue rectangle panel is 2 3/4 x 3 1/2 and the white rectangle is 2 1/2 x 3 1/4. I did add a layer of designer paper to the card base which measures 5 1/4 x 4.

I colored the girl with Copic Ciao Markers and then tried to add some shading by her feet to anchor her down. It didn't look good at all - so I ended up cutting her out and popping her up using foam tape. I cut out an oval and used that to reverse mask the white layer sponging Summer Sky ink from Memento around it - and then I just took it out to the corners from there.

I used some Atyou Spica pens to add some sparkle to the star, flame on the candle and her wings, but it does not show up all the well. I used a lemon and a clear one, but you can hardly even see it IRL. I know that these Spica pens are all the rage right now, but I have to say that I prefer the stardust pens for adding a bit of glitter and/or bling to my projects. I added some light blue Rhinestones to the circle to give it a bit more bling, since the Spica pens didn't work! LOL! BTW, I got the idea for this sketch as I was shutting off the lights downstairs to go to bed. The porch light was shining in my front door, which has that half moon leaded glass at the top. A light bulb went on - it's it funny how normal things can be a source of inspiration for us crafters?

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by! Check in next Monday when a few of us Angels will be participating in a Holiday cards/tags in 10 minutes or less blog hop! You're sure to get some great ideas for those last minute projects!

Stamps - TAC Fairy Birthday
Designer paper - Memory Box Dewfrost
White and Enchanted Evening cardstock - PTI
Light blue rhinestones - Kaisercraft
Copic Ciao Markers
Atyou Spica Pens
Memento inks - tuxedo black and summer sky


  1. Very, very pretty love the jewels!
    Have to get that set just cause of the lil' butterfly!

  2. Lovely card! So, glad I visited 'cuz I wasn't able to grasp the sketch concept by just viewing my dashboard. I really like the blues!


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