Monday, September 21, 2009

Card Sketch Tuesday #147

Happy Tuesday! Here is sketch #147. This measures the normal A2 size.

Continuing with the fall color theme! Used quite a few ribbon and a new button technique on this card.

The sunflowers are colored with Prisma color pencils and blended with OMS. To add interest, I used a small circle punch to punch the slot out of the main panel so that I could attach my button and ribbon in that area.
The button is made from a 3/4 inch clear button, the same designer paper (cut out with a circle punch) and some crystal lacquer. I added a bit of organdy ribbon and attached it to the area.
This is a simple sketch that can be adapted for a lot of uses. You could really be creative with some designer paper on that back panel.
As you read this my DH and I are in the Hoh Rain Forest on our annual week long RV trip. We kind of left this late in the year, but the weather is forcasted to be sunny all week! Wow, did we luck out!
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!
All paper from The Angel Company
Stamps - The Angel Company
Clear button
Ribbon from TAC


  1. Good goin on this one Laurie!!! I love your idea about the clear button and laquer (sp?)...You have once again given me inspiration!

  2. This card is awesome, love the button idea and the stamp choice, colors are so fall. Have a great trip, Lucky You!!

  3. Wow! Great sketch and beautiful card. I love the colors! Fall is my favorite season and this is perfect for the autumn days ahead!

  4. Totally LOVE the paper combined with the sunflowers, especially with your awesome coloring job. The button trick is cool.


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